Áridos de Melo
> Corporate Area
> Presentation
Áridos de Melo
Áridos de Melo
Áridos de Melo was born in 2004, as a company specialized in the manufacture of aggregates for concrete, aggregates for bituminous mixtures, aggregates for granular layers and artificial gravel.
In 2016 Áridos de Melo began a new stage, acquiring concrete plants, a hot bituminous mix manufacturing plant and paving equipment, establishing itself as a construction company specialized in municipal infrastructures.
In 2017, Áridos de Melo installed a manufacturing plant for materials treated with cement for the execution of pavement layers.
In 2023, the company obtains authorization from the Community of Madrid as a manager of Construction and Demolition Waste, with the aim of implementing a circular economy policy in its lines of activity. Thus reusing waste as raw materials in the manufacturing processes of new bituminous mixtures and materials treated with cement. During the first year of commissioning of the facility, more than a 99% reuse rate of the managed waste has been achieved.
- AGGREGATES: In the gravel pit, aggregates are produced, mainly for the manufacture of concrete, bituminous mixtures and granular layers.
- CONCRETE: All types of concrete are manufactured in the plants: self-compacting, draining, light and high resistance.
- BITUMINOUS MIXTURES: In the fixed plant, hot asphalt concrete (AC) type bituminous mixtures, mixtures for thin layers (BBTM and PA) and the new SMA type mixtures are manufactured. In addition, there is an independent system for the manufacture of pigment mixtures based on synthetic bitumens for all types of colorations.
- MATERIALS TREATED WITH CEMENT: at the Vicálvaro plant, soil cement and gravel cement are manufactured with 100% recycled materials and lean concretes for pavement layers that consume 50% less water than usual hydraulic concretes.
- RCDs / RECYCLED AGGREGATES MANAGER: At the Vicálvaro plant, seven LER codes are managed that are reused as raw materials in the rest of our manufacturing processes.