Áridos de Melo is registered in the Registry of carbon footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects


Áridos de Melo is registered in the Registry of carbon footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects

Áridos de Melo is registered in the Registry of carbon footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects

Áridos de Melo has registered its Vicálvaro agglomerate plant where, among others, the production of asphalt mixtures is carried out, in the Registry of carbon footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, thus obtaining the “Cálculo y Rezuco” seal.

Without a doubt, this is another example of the company's commitment to the development of much more responsible and conscious behavior with respect to nature, based on key pillars such as the circular economy, respect for biodiversity, solutions based on nature and the fight against climate change.

This achievement represents the integration of the concept of climate change in the company.