Áridos de Melo
> Sustainability
> Responsible construction
Quality and Environment Policy
Since 2004 WE ARE the company specialized in the supply of the main construction materials such as: aggregates, bituminous mixtures, concrete and materials treated with cement; as well as in the works of paving and compaction of materials treated with cement and asphalt agglomerate in roads, streets, runways and airports, for public and private clients in Spain.
Our strategy incorporates the PRINCIPLES OF QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT as fundamental elements in our value proposition, objectives and management.
We develop these principles through a quality and environmental MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in accordance with international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
In the process of managing and improving quality and environmental aspects we make COMMITMENTS to our customers, employees and supply chain, the environment, public administrations and other relevant stakeholders.
EVERY PERSON IN THE COMPANY is necessary to fulfill the purpose of Áridos de Melo and, therefore, must know, understand and apply this Policy, with its principles and commitments, in the development of his activities for the company. Likewise, the same behavior is expected from EXTERNAL PARTNERS according to the scope of the agreements and contracts reached and as applicable.
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